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FTChinese Annual Forum 2011 will once again bring together globally-renowned economists, great thinkers, business leaders, entrepreneurs to examine and analyze critical economic issues we face, and also to make predictions for 2012.

Theme:Challenges and Solutions

Date:16 November 2011

Venue:Four Seasons Hotel,Shanghai

08:30-09:00 Opening Ceremony
Ben Hughes,FT Deputy CEO
Lifen ZHANG, Associate Editor, Financial Times,Editor, FTChinese.com
09:00-10:15 Keynote Session: Transition & China’s Economic Growth
- Looking back to the opening years of the Twelfth Five-year Plan, which issues are worthy of our affirmation and praise about China’s economic transition?
- In face of growing old before it grows rich, how will China look for new developing impetus after demographic dividend fades away?
- What do universities should do to cultivate more people looking up to the starry sky
- What do you think of the Chinese economic transition from the perspective of the entrepreneurs?
10:15-10:30 Coffee & Tea
10:30-11:30 Roundtable Discussion 1: Price of Entrepreneurship and Business-making in China
- In different periods of corporate development, from initiation to prosperity, what are some predicaments that entrepreneurs face?
- How can entrepreneurs wealthy materially walk out of their spiritual predicaments?
- How can we seek spiritual food from our traditional cultures?
11:30-12:30 Roundtable Discussion 2: RMB、USD and Euro
- Is the 400-billion-dollar “Reverse Operation” of American Federal Reserve able to change the whole situation?
- What are the key measures to resolve the Debt Crisis in Euro-zone effectively?
- Under the circumstances of lasting public debt crisis of Europe and America’s economy, what impacts will have on China’s economy?
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:30 Roundtable Discussion 3: Capital Chain, Life Chain
- With the development of recent years, domestic financial leasing companies have enlarged their asset size and business fields, and how can these financial leasing companies help businesses relieve their capital pressure?
- What will the credit guarantee industries do to help the financing of small and middle-sized enterprises?
- What measures should the private equity take to resolve the financing difficulties of small and middle-sized enterprises?
14:30-15:30 Roundtable Discussion 4 Wealth Management: An Open Secret
- For private bank business, what promoting functions does it have to enhance the asset management functions of financial banks?
- In times of overall inflation, what roles should Chinese and foreign banks play to mine the potential needs of China’s high net worth individuals?
- How should the affluent second generation look at their families’wealth of century-old tradition?
15:30-15:45 Coffee & Tea
15:45-16:45 Roundtable Discussion5: Social Media Social Good
- How do the programs of social media influence the public opinions?
- Will the commercialization of social media influence the users’ loyalty?
- Either in face of Obama’s political success in American election campaign or the British riot a few months ago, the function of social media has gone beyond the attributes of media. What do you think of this phenomenon?
16:45-17:00 Closing Address
Angela Mackay, Executive Director, Head of Asia Pacific, FT

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